About a year ago, North Carolina finally got a state lottery. This is supposedly for education. I hate state run lotteries. If there's something that will get me up on a soapbox fast, it's the lottery. The lottery is one of the lamest, unethical things a state can do. It's a tax on people who can't do math, people who ain't got nothing but dreams. Stupid People. It was always obvious to me and to any moron who manged to look, that a disproportionate amount of the lottery tickets were purchased by people who should have been spending the money on something else, like food and clothing for their children. So basically, the state sets up a mechanism to extract money from the very people that it will have to turn around and support in some other way based on their lower expendable income due to money spent on the stupid lottery. It's not only unethical, it's also inefficient. For all the money we get from them, we only get to keep about 30%. Half goes to the few people that win, and a bunch more goes to the corrupt organizations that run these lotteries. If we really want to screw these people, which is what we're doing, then why don't we just shoot them. It's only marginally less ethical and certainly more monetarily efficient.
For a long time, I was proud of being a North Carolinian. We didn't have no stinkin' lottery. We weren't mean and nasty like those arrogant jerks up North who like to look down on us. Lotteries are tacky and North Carolina was classy. OK, NC has it's problems, but in this instance, we were a model of class. Then all of a sudden all the stupid states in the south started feeling like they were missing out on something that all the other states were enjoying, "Screwing the Stupid People for Fun and Profit." About the only argument for a lottery in North Carolina that I can abide, is that now we get to screw over our own stupid people rather than let Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina do it for us.
The reason that I bring all this up is that the PowerBall lottery got up to $240 million and I got stupid and bought a lottery ticket. Here it is:

Last night they had a drawing and here are the numbers. Some stupid person in Missouri won.

I didn't match a single number. Now I really hate the damn lottery even more.
Görüsædæk (that's good-bye in Azerbaijani)
now i know pasion q...you really were worked up about lottery !!..sure about your numbers? we only get about 30% of money?
but i'm still pure...have never bought a ticket even though ila's pissed at me for not..so, you and she have given in to temptation...
you did sound a little rightwingy there
Hello Bro...
I have also purchased one ticket when it first started...one of the scratch off jobs. I was an instant winner of guess what????
Another scratch off ticket.
I also dislike the lottery for another reason...you now have to wait in line behind five or six people if you decide to go inside to pay for your gas at the local gas mart.
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