Saturday, January 20, 2007


No matter how long you live or how well adjusted you are, you never get quite used to stepping in dog poo. It just takes the shine off your day.

Today I was walking around in the woods behind the house, looking at the dead trees aimed at the house. When I walked back to the house I noticed something on the side of my shoe. It had the consistency of muddy clay but unfortunately, it wasn't the right color and it had a subtle but pungent aroma. Damn! Dog Poo! I walked back out into the woods and found what was left of the offending excretion lying in the trail. I used a stick to slick it off to the side. Then I used many of the dead rotting stumps to scape the offending stuff off my shoes. I got most of it off but my wife suggested that I leave the soiled shoes outside.

Maybe I'll go walking in the mall tomorrow to loose up the remains and return my shoes to a state of OK.

May you always have clean shoes.

Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is nothing worse for me than this!!! i work in shit all day and then on my time off i step in it!!
was walking around greg norman restaurant on waterway, enjoying water,boats etc ...look down at my shoes and there's dog shit on one..have to lean wayyyy down into waterway to try to wash shoe off...
hope dog owner's ass was burning as opposed to his nose itching 'cause i REALLY let him have it(where ever he was)
sorry for language