Sunday, October 13, 2019

Stolen Bust

A few years ago, I wrote about the foolish stunt that someone in Washington pulled merely for a photo. They wanted a photo of Air Force One flying past the Statue of Liberty and so they fueled her up and flew Air Force One low over NYC while their cameras were a whirling. Turns out, duh, everybody freaked out with a big ass 747 flying low over NYC. So I wrote a blog entry about it. I showed how easy they could have just faked the picture with a little photo editing by showing Air Force One flying past me at the Wright Brothers monument. I really was at the monument for the photo. I just added the plane.

Well, today I read in the WRAL website that the bust of one of the Wright brothers, Orville I think, had been stolen. They're not sure why but apparently, it's not the first time. Anyhow, without checking to see if the guy in the picture was actually the one stolen, I updated my photo to reflect the new circumstances.


There, fixed that for ya.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Last Sand Castles of the Year

It was unseasonably warm early in October this year, so I was able to get to the beach and work in a couple more days of castle building. I'm not into things that look so much like medieval castles as I am into things that are tall and skinny and defy the notion of a pile of sand. My castles tend to fall a lot while being built. Here are the last offerings of the year, I fear. Unless it stays really warm.