Sunday, October 13, 2019

Stolen Bust

A few years ago, I wrote about the foolish stunt that someone in Washington pulled merely for a photo. They wanted a photo of Air Force One flying past the Statue of Liberty and so they fueled her up and flew Air Force One low over NYC while their cameras were a whirling. Turns out, duh, everybody freaked out with a big ass 747 flying low over NYC. So I wrote a blog entry about it. I showed how easy they could have just faked the picture with a little photo editing by showing Air Force One flying past me at the Wright Brothers monument. I really was at the monument for the photo. I just added the plane.

Well, today I read in the WRAL website that the bust of one of the Wright brothers, Orville I think, had been stolen. They're not sure why but apparently, it's not the first time. Anyhow, without checking to see if the guy in the picture was actually the one stolen, I updated my photo to reflect the new circumstances.


There, fixed that for ya.

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