Saturday, August 20, 2011

Blog Update

Two things - the economy and the spam situation.

First, I'll give a little update on the economy. Since I wrote a few weeks ago on the economy, a few birds have come home to roost. As predicted, the unemployment rate in NC has risen. Gov. Bev Perdue announced that the unemployment rate in NC had risen to 10.7% after sitting sluggishly around the 9.5% for most of the "recovery". This is primarily the result of the increase in the number of workers released by the public sector. This coincides with what may, or may not, be the start of the second dip of the double dip recession. I think it's just a stumble and we're going to come out of this real slowly. The problem is that it will be so slow that a drop in the relative standard of living in the US is already in progress.

Spam update. I still keep all my spam and the daily rate has dropped to just below 60/day.

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