Saturday, October 09, 2010


Recently, after an nice meal in downtown Chapel Hill, on the way home a policeman waved to my wife and asked her to roll down her window. He told her that our car registration, signified by the sticker on our license plate, was out of date. Yikes! When we got home we realized that, indeed, it was September and the registration expired in June. But the worse part was that on looking at the other car, YIKES!!, we realized that it's registration expired last December. Having gotten caught by this a couple of times in the past, I know that it can cost around $250/car.

It's funny how I hadn't noticed before, but there a cops everywhere. And they're always looking at people's license plates. Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Anyhow, I dutifully got the cars inspected ($35 ea.), one day at a time, since my wife was out of town for a week. And then I was able to register them online ($33 ea.). After about a week, the new stickers arrived in the mail and now I'm a law abiding citizen again. And I managed to not get caught in the process.

Unfortunately, you don't get credit for going a year without registration. So I'll be getting one of the cars inspected again in about 2 months. This time it's on my calendar.

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