The other day I was helping my wife do some laundry. Of course, in our house, anytime you do a load of laundry, you always find an old load left in the dryer that you have to deal with before you can get your load through the process. Well, in this case the load in the dryer was particularly interesting. It had a bunch of my kid's underwear and other such stuff. There were also a bunch of socks. Anytime you fold laundry with socks, you always have a single or two. Well in this load, there were 12 socks and only one pair in the bunch. Here's a picture.

Who knows where their partners are. Maybe they'll show up in the next load.
I'm glad Mrs. Kelley isn't around to read your blogs.
I should clarify that I enjoy reading the blogs. Keep up the good (if only mundane) work.
I fixed it. "were there" is now "where their"
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