Short post today. It now appears that you can easily add a photo to your Blog without having to host it somewhere like I've done with other photos. In other words, Google has some room for you if you don't send in too many. They probably get that from all that unused 2 gig allotments that they give to G-mail customers. I know that I'm only using about 2% of my 2 gigs. So here's a photo:

I got it from Slashdot. Putting it here is probably some sort of violation of something but maybe not since it comes from the open source everything should be free crowd. Bye.
Hi, I'm back again. I just looked at the photo and it looks like crap. I think the photo has one of those transparent backgrounds. I think I need to change my template so that everything is white in the background so I won't have to worry about whether the photo posts are transparent or not. I'll do that later.
I'm back again. That's better but it still has a box around the picture. I'd like to get rid of that but I'll leave it for now.
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