Sunday, May 29, 2005

Again, Long time, No post. I'm going to try to start up again with the daily postings but it will probably be difficult. I mean for these post to be mainly mundane crap about my life with occasional opinions that will get me in trouble. It's Memorial Day weekend. Went to my sister Carolyn's house for a little family gathering last evening. Turns out that last weekend she was at a party and mentioned that she was having a party and invited a bunch of other friends so it was a pretty big party. There were some of her old friends that we hadn't seen in a while and a few new friends, mostly neighbors. Nice people and a few kids and some dogs running around. Real American.

I had a couple of beers over the course of the evening. That's 2. Could be a sign of getting old that I'm perfectly satisfied to drink only 2 beers over an entire evening. I did eat a lot.

Work is going OK. I wouldn't say it's the most exciting thing in the world but, with a bit of work and patience, it can get better. Patience is key.

I've got to do some work in the yard today. Spread some mulch and kill some weeds. I kill weeds with Roundup. I bought a plastic bottle of the concentrated stuff about 17 years ago. I think it was about a pint for maybe $30. Amazingly, it's still pretty potent. A half capfull in a squirt bottle and you can wipe out all the weeds in your yard. And if you're careless, you can also wipe out patches of grass like I did a few years ago. Actually, I think someone else, whose name will go unmentioned, was responsible for the grass killing but I accepted the blame for reasons of domestic tranquility. I need to go easy with the stuff. It's half gone and I want it to last till I die or at least till all the weeds acquire resistence to it.

This is the first Sunday since the church choir has taken off for the summer. So we're skipping today. Haven't done that for a while. Hope the Lord will forgive me.

Enough for today. Time to kill weeds and spread mulch.

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