I was sitting in the house today and would occasionally hear some high-powered noise outside like jets or helicopters or whatever. You know, military type noises. We live near a little airport but about the only thing that makes a lot of noise are the private jets that fly in for a big UNC football or basketball game. A bit later I heard a loud noise again and this time I ran outside. The noise got louder and suddenly over the house appeared one of those V-22 Ospreys. You know, the half-helicopter half-plane that Boeing has been trying to get to fly for over last 25-30 years. I don't know how much it costs the taxpayers, but I can attest that they eventually figured it out cause I saw one fly over my house. Here's a picture of one I got off the internet.

The one flying over the house had it's propellers aimed straight ahead so I didn't get to see it do the stuff we paid so much for.